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(And so do our cats.)

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Pillioness is supported by our users. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission (at no cost to you). Learn more

Pillioness Affiliate Disclosure Statement

We need to cover website costs (and feed the biker cats) so we make money in a number of ways.

We occasionally team up with some amazing affiliates.
Yep, we’re talking about those awesome partners who help us keep our engines (and website) running.

So, here’s the scoop.
Whenever you stumble on a link on our website that leads you to a great motorcycle-related product, we may earn a commission from the sale.


Liz and Hector affiliate page


We promise you this: We don’t just slap any old link on our site and call it a day.
We’re super selective about the affiliates we team up with.
We only choose partners who offer top-notch products.

We believe in transparency.
That’s why we’re disclosing this sweet little affiliate relationship we’ve got going on.
It’s our way of being open and honest with you, our amazing community.

So, as you enjoy our free content, keep an eye out for those sneaky affiliate links.
They’re like hidden treasures, waiting to whisk you away to the land of shiny helmets, stylish jackets, and fancy gadgets that make your ride even better.

And if you have any questions, of course just email us.

❤️ Liz


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